Eʋe Names

Common Ewe Names And Their Meaning

Names are more than mere unique ways of identifying people. They are sometimes used to remember memorable events, paying homage to the creator, and helped distinguish people based on several reasons. The Ewe names stand out. They are not just pleasant to the ears but most are unisex; applicable to males as well as females.

Ewe last names recognize God as the supreme being and appreciate him for life through naming. They acknowledge the presence of a Supreme Divine referring to that force as Mawu Sogbolisa, Mawu Kitikata, Mawu Adanuwotor etc. Most names are in reference to God though sometimes not too obvious to non-ewes. For instance Edotom literary “He or she has heard me”. The actual meaning however is that “God has heard me”. The alphabet “E” in names often means God.

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Also, there are times where an unknown or unseen person is addressed such as Valikem which means “Come and establish me”. Most of such addresses are directed to God.

Abra – Tuesday-born girl 

Afafa – The first child of the second husband Afryea – Born during happy times 

Aƒefa:Peaceful house/calm house 

Aƒeke: Root of the house

Aƒelete:Established home

Agbe: Life

Agbeko: If only there is life

Agbemabiase – The origin of life is not known

Agbemabiase: Life can’t question destiny

Agbemaƒle: Life can’t be bought/Life is priceless

Agbenyefia: Life is the king

Agbenyega: Life is the greatest

Agbenyo: Life is good

Agbesi: In the hands of life

Akɔfa:             Comfort/Peaceful heart

Akɔfala:          Consoler/comforter

Akpe:  Appreciation 

Akpenamawu: Thank God

Akpene: Thank thee

Amenuveve – Grace 

Amenyo: Human is good

Ameteƒe: Replacement/Advocate (a son whose father died before his birth)

Amewu/Amewuga:    Human is precious than money

Amewusika –  People are more valuable than material things 

Aseye: Praises

Asiwome: In thy hands

Awoe: He (God) will do

Awoenam: He (God) will do it for me

Blewu: Slow/Patient

Bubune: Honour onto Him(God)

Butsɔme:Think of tomorrow

Butsɔmekpɔ: Think of tomorrow n see

Dela: Savior/redeemer

Deladem: The savior redeems me

Delado – The saviour has emerged 

Delali: The savior lives/The redeemer lives

Delana: The savior gives

Delanya: The savior knows

Delasi: In the savior’s hands/The saviors has heard

Desiadenyo: All is good

Dodzi: Fortitude

Dogbeda: Pray

Dɔmenyo: Kindness 

Dzidedi: Comfort 

Dzidudu: Victory

Dzidula: Conqueror

Dzidzeme: Peaceful heart


Dzidzorli – There is happiness 

Dzidzorm: Am happy

Dziedzorm: Glad i am

Dzifa: Comfort/Peace at heart

Dzigbɔdi: Patient  

Dzɔdzoe: Righteous/Just

Dzɔgbenyui: Good luck

Edem: He (God) has saved me/He (God) has delivered me

Edemi: He (God) has saved us/He (God) has delivered us

Edinam:Am lucky

Edinami: We are lucky

Edotom – God has heard me 

Edotomi – God has heard us 

Edrɔlali: The judge lives

Edudzi: He (God) has vanquish

Edzordzinam – I am glad 

Edzordzinami – We are glad 

Edzorna – It happens 

Edzɔdzi: It makes happiness

Edzɔdzinam: It made me happy

Edzɔdzinami: It made us happy

Edzɔdzinawo: It made them happy

Efakor/Efakornam: He (God) has comforted me

Efakornam – He has comforted me 

Efanam – I am comforted 

Ehenyuive – Bringer of joy 

Ekplɔm: He (God) leads me

Eleagbe: He (God) is alive

Elemawusi: In the hands of God

Eli: He (God) lives

Elikɛ: Rooted in solid ground/established

Elikɛm: He (God) has established/fortified me

Elikɛmi: He (God) has established/fortified us

Elikplim: He (God) is with me

Elikplimi: He (God) is with us

Elinam: He (God) lives for me

Elinami: He (God) lives for us

Elivava: He (God) lives truely

Elolo: He (God) is great

Elom – God loves and adores me 

Elɔmi: He (God) loves us

Emefa: The is calm

Ena: He (God) gives

Enam: He (God) gives me

Enami: He (God) gives us

Enya: He (God) knows

Enyam: He (God) knows me

Enyami :He (God) knows us

Enyo – Perfect 

Enyo: It’s good

Enyonam – I’m Contented 

Enyonam: It’s good for me      

Ese: He (God) hears

Eselali: The hearer (God) lives

Eselase: The hearer (God) had heard

Esenam: He (God) has heard me

Esinu: Waiting upon the Lord

Etor – Belongs to God 

Etornam – God has answered me 

Etɔ: Belongs to him (God)/He (God) has answered

Etɔna: He (God) answers

Etɔnam: He (God) has answered me

Etɔnami: He (God) has answered us

Etriakɔ: He (God) is undefeatable

Evenu – God have mercy upon him/her 

Ewe/Ewoe: He (God) has done it

Ewenami/Ewoenami: He (God) has done it for us

Ewenan/Ewoenam: He (God) has done it for me

Exɔnam: He ( God) has saved/rescued me

Eyiram: He (God) has blessed me/Am blessed

Eyirami: He (God) has blessed us/We are blessed

Eyra: He (God) blesses

Eyrae: He (God) has blessed him/her

Eyram: God has blessed me 

Ɛhenyuive: Bringer of joy

Fafa: Peace/calmness

Fafali: There is peace/calmness

Fenuku: Year seed 

Feyi: A year has passed 

Fiavi: Prince/Princess

Foli – First son 

Galevo: Money is different

Gameli: There is time for everything 

Ganyebusu: money is evil

Ganyo: Money is good

Gayra: Bless again 

Gayram: Bless me again

Gayrami: Bless us again

Kafui: Praise him(God)

Kekeli/Kekle:    Light/ brightness

Kekleli – There’s light 

Kle: Shine /bright

Klenam: Shine for me

Klenami – Shine for us 

Korkoe -Divine, holy 

Kplorla -Leader, shepherd

Kplorm – Guide me 

Kplɔla: Leader/shepherd

Kplɔm: Lead me

Lebenam: Take good care of me

Lebene:Take good care of him/her/it

Lololi – There is always love 

Lorlor – Love 

Lorlornyo – Love is good 

Lɔlɔ: Love

Lɔlɔnyo: Love is good/Is good to love

Lɔm: Love/adore me

Lɔne: Agree for him/her

Magava – I shall return 

Makafui: I will praise him (God)

Malike – I shall be established 

Manoagbe – I shall live 

Mawudinam – I am lucky 

Mawuena: It’s God who gave

Mawuenam: It’s God who gave me

Mawuenyega: God is the greatest

Mawueyram – God blesses me 

Mawueyram: It’s God who blessed me

Mawuƒɛmɔ: God’s way

Mawuko: Only God/Except God

Mawukoenya – Only God knows 

Mawuli: God lives

Mawulikplim: God is with me

Mawulikplimi:God is with us

Mawulinam:God lives for me

Mawulolo: God is great

Mawulɔm: God loves me

Mawunya:God knows/God’s word

Mawunyo – God is good 

Mawuse: God hears

Mawusi: In God’s hands

Mawutor: Belongs to God/God has answered

Mawuwoe: God has done it

Maziŋpki: I’ll be silent

Morkpɔkpɔ: Hope 

Nalikem – Establish me 

Nalikem: Establish/Fortify me

Nayra – Bless 

Norkplim – Abide with me 

Nuku: Wonder

Nukunu/Ŋkunu:  miracle

Nuna: Gift

Nuname -Gift 


Nunya – Knowledge and wisdom 

Nunya: Knowledge/wisdom

Nunyati – Tree of knowledge and wisdom

Nunyati: Tree of knowledge/wisdom

Nusesi – Thy mighty hand 

Nusetor – The mighty one 

Nutifafa – Peace 

Nutikorkoe – Glory 

Nyuiemedzi – I seek good things 

Nyuitor – Perfect 

Nyuitɔ: Perfect/Best

Se: Law/Destiny/Fate

Sedem: Destiny/Fate has saved/delivered me

Sedemi: Destiny/Fate has saved/delivered us

Sedinam: Destiny/Fate made me lucky

Sedotom:  Destiny has heard me

Sedotom: Destiny/Fate has heard me

Sedudzi: Destiny/Fate has triumph

Sedufia: Destiny/Fate is crown king

Sefadzi: Destiny/Fate has given me solace

Sefakor: Destiny/Fate has comforted me

Selase: The hearer (God) has heard

Seli: Destiny/Fate lives

Selinam: Destiny/Fate lives for me

Selorm – God loves me, divine love 

Selɔm: Destiny/Fate loves me.

Sena: Destiny/fate gives

Senam – God’s gift to me 

Senam: Destiny gives me/Destiny’s gift to me

Sename – God’s gift to humankind 

Senanu – God is the giver 

Senya – God knows 

Senya: Destiny knows

Senyegbe – Hear my voice 

Senyo: Destiny/Fate is good

Sesɛ: Destiny/Fate hears

Sesi/Seshi: In the hands of destiny/Fate

Setɔ: Belongs to Destiny/ Destiny has answered

Seyiram: Destiny/Fate has blessed me

Seyirami: Destiny/Fate has blessed us

Sitso/Sitsoƒe: Salvation  

Suboe: Worship him

Tsoeke: Forgive

Tsoekewo: Forgive them

Vadem – Come and save me 

Valikem: Come and establish me

Vayram: Come and bless me

Venunye – Favor me or give me thy grace

Vormawu – Fear God 

Vɔmawu: Fear God

Wawuworge – God will do it 

Wawuworge: God will do it

Worlasi – In the creator’s hand 

Wɔlanyo:The creator (God) is good

Xetsa – Twin (Girl)

Xoese: Believe

Xɔnam: Save me

Xɔse: Faith

Yawa – Born on Thursday 

Yayra: Blessing

Yesutor – Belongs to Jesus 

Yingor – Excel 

Yingɔ: Excell

Yiram: Bless me

Yirami: Bless us

Yormawu – Call on God 

Yra: Bless

Yram – Bless me 

Zanetor – Darkness must seize 

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