DOVVSU, Volta Region, Sensitizes Students On Sex Crimes

The Volta Regional Police Command’s Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) has commenced an intensive school sensitization in Ho on sex crimes ahead of the Easter Break and beyond.

The engagement is targeting both primary and junior high schools to educate them on the common ploys used by sex predators to exploit them.The Team first engaged the Philip Akpo Roman Catholic Basic School and continued to the Ho Kpodzi E.P. Primary School in Ho to sensitize about 740 pupils for the first day.

Speaking to the pupils, the coordinator in charge of DOVVSU in the Volta region, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Faustina Awumey indicated that, in recent times, sexual offences were not only limited to the girl child as previously perceived as boys were also abused.

A typical case in point is the sentencing of 40-year-old Wisdom Atiledza to 8 years imprisonment for sodomizing a 9-year-old boy in Aflao in January 2022, she cited.

ASP Awumey told the pupils that the perpetrators are mostly persons familiar or related to them and cautioned the pupils to be suspicious of everybody including caregivers, teachers, relatives, tenants, barbers, religious leaders, among others.

The coordinator of (DoVVSU) said the perpetrators of this crime mostly resorted to the use of threats and gifts to lure the children into taking advantage of their vulnerabilities.

ASP Awumey said children who go hawking could also become victims. She advised the children who hawk to desist from entering rooms of their buyers and always stay alert outside while serving their customers.

The Deputy Coordinator of DoVVSU,

ASP Juliana Mawusi Wiah speaking on the effects of defilement on victims, said most of the victims ended up with unwanted pregnancies, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, fistula, depression, or trauma. She advised the teachers not to coach students when cases were to be reported to the Police or interfere with evidence by tidying up abused children.

The campaign is expected to be replicated in other communities in the coming days and weeks.The team would move to churches, mosques, community-based groups, Parents Teachers’ Association (PTAs) to have similar interactive sections with parents and guardians to help reverse the trend.

Source: News Ghana

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