Don’t Plot Evil Against Your Friend

Storyteller: Listen to the story

Audience: So let the story begin

Storyteller: The story falls upon the lion

Audience: It falls upon the lion

Storyteller: The story falls upon the tiger

Audience: It falls upon the tiger

Storyteller: The story falls upon the fox and all four-legged animals

Audience: It falls upon them


One day, the lion, the king of the jungle was very ill. All the four legged-animals except the fox came to greet him and wish him a speedy recovery. The tiger went to the king one morning and after their greetings, he asked; “My King, has the fox come to see you ever since you took ill?” The king told him: “Not yet” The tiger then said; “My king, the fox is one of your number one enemies who even wish you are dead by now” after saying this he left to his house.

After he is gone the lion, the king then sent for the fox. As he reaches the palace, the lion out of anger shouts, “Why have you heard of my illness and has not even come to see me and that I have to send for you before you come?”

The fox in humility replies; “My lord it is because of your sickness that I was looking for medicine. I have been to many other villages to get the items for the medicine. Thank God I have finally found them. But it is still left with one thing my lord. If I only I can get that now and add to the other herbs for you to take, your illness will be a thing of the past within a twinkle of an eye.” “What is that thing that is left?” said the king. “It is the front tooth of a betrayer” answered the fox.

The king immediately ordered his guards to go kill, the tiger and bring his front tooth so that the preparation of his medicine can be completed. So the palace guards went to the tiger’s house, killed him, and brought his front tooth to the fox. The king took the medicine and was healed.

So if you dig a pit for a friend to enter, you may end up being the one to fall in that same pit.

Storyteller: This is the story an old lady told me on my way here to meet you.

Audience: is that so? Then long may your tongue be oiled.

Storyteller: And long may your ears be greased.

Storyteller: Martin Thompson Ntem

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